Leslie R. Gass, D.O. Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

The American Academy of Osteopathy: www.academyofosteopathy.org

The Cranial Academy: www.cranialacademy.org

The Sutherland Society: www.cranial.org.uk

Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation: www.sctf.com

Osteopathic Center for Children (Dr. Viola Fryman): www.osteopathiccenter.org

American Osteopathic Association: www.osteopathic.org

Biodynamic Osteopathy (James Jealous, D.O. curriculum): www.biodo.com

Interlinea-exploring the history and philosophy of Dr. Still and Osteopathy: www.interlinea.org.

Eric Dolgin, D.O.-more about osteopathy, research and articles: www.osteohome.com

Marc Rosen, D.O.-in-depth discussion of osteopathy: www.osteodoc.com

66 Leighton Road Suite 1 

Falmouth, Maine 04105

Phone: (207) 773-7330, Fax: (207) 773-7340